Google Ads Checklist: 9 Key PPC Search Campaign Settings

Google Ads Checklist: 9 Key PPC Search Campaign Settings

Google Ads Checklist: 9 Key PPC Search Campaign Settings

Google Ads Checklist: 9 Key PPC Search Campaign Settings
I just setup a Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) campaign for a client, and I’ve decided to share our Google Ads Checklist because I think you’ll benefit from it when setting up a new campaign.

If you’re about to launch a new Google Ads PPC search campaign, then there are 9 key settings you’ll want to double check to ensure you’re set up for success:

Initial Keyword Match Type
Negative Keywords
Initial CPC Bid
Ads & Ad Rotation
Conversion Tracking

1. Initial Keyword Match Type
A very common mistake that almost all new PPC advertisers make is to set the keyword match type to Broad. Broad match will give you the most traffic, but in the early stages of your test campaign you don’t want to risk showing your ad to irrelevant keywords.

For everyone who is not familiar with keyword match types, here’s a quick primer:

Modified Broad

The match type of a keyword tells Google which keywords should trigger your ad to be displayed. For example, if all of your keywords are Exact match, then you tell Google to only show your ad when the exact keyword is typed into Google.