Google Analytics Checklist

Google Analytics Checklist

Free Resource
Understand the fundamentals of Google Analytics tracking and how you can improve your website’s performance.

Do you trust your data? Are you capturing the right basic data? Is your data ‘clean’? Is your account setup to best practice standards?

All these questions can be answered by conducting a quick and easy Google Analytics check.

Is Google Analytics correctly installed?
The first aspect of a Google Analytics implementation is to check that the tracking is correct. If the tracking is incorrect, you may find that you have missing, incorrect or incomplete data in GA.

Result of Tag Analysis
Tracking code can be implemented via code snippet or Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Watch out for duplicate code placements on the one page.
If you’re using GTM, ensure that you’ve created a pageview tag which triggers on all pages. Also check that GTM itself has been correctly placed on the page (which is right after the tag on each page).
Place the <script> code snippet in the <head> element of each page, preferably as close to the opening <head> tag as possible.
Place the <noscript> code snippet immediately after the opening <body> tag in the <body> element of each page. Learn more.
Use Google Tag Assistant, a Free Chrome Browser Extension, that helps with troubleshooting basic tag issues.