All-around SEO training

All-around SEO training

All-around SEO training


from $499
  • Annual
  • Free Trial


All-around SEO training
Master practical SEO skills for all aspects of SEO
Get practical tips to rank higher and get more readers or sell more online
Optimize both your technical setup and content to avoid costly mistakes
What will I learn?
What will my site look like after this training course?

You’ll show the search engines that that number 1 result is where you belong. How? Like this:

You’ll target keywords that drive traffic and write content that convinces those visitors to buy or become returning visitors.
You’ll avoid costly basic SEO mistakes with a solid technical SEO foundation
Your site structure will guide the user and the search engines to your most important pages.
Your site is secure and faster
Your site has more links coming in, showing the search engines that you’re a trusted authority

You’re even doing better on SEO topics that you won’t see discussed in most SEO courses: marketing emails, social media, convincing your users to buy, accessibility, and usability. And completely ready to tackle the more advanced courses in Yoast SEO academy!

What is included in this All-around SEO course?
Over 3 hours of instructional videos, from basic SEO to expert tips, sliced into 39 bite-sized clips.
Quizzes to train what you’ve learned
PDF files so you can easily check the tips again while working on your website
Access for 1 whole year

And a great basis for the treasure trove of Yoast SEO academy lessons that will allow you to really master every SEO topic!