Business Analytics Lesson: How to Collect Data and Use Integrations

Business Analytics Lesson: How to Collect Data and Use Integrations

Business Analytics Lesson: How to Collect Data and Use Integrations


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Business Analytics Lesson: How to Collect Data and Use Integrations
FREE Lesson

Integrations are essential for simplifying the need for new technology and software as your business grows. Leveraging the power of integrations allows your business to achieve a broader range of tasks by increasing functionality. In this lesson, you’ll learn when to use integrations and the benefits.

What you’ll learn:

Describe the benefits of consolidating data onto a single platform.​
Explain the different types of integrations and forms data can take. ​
Audit their tech stack and identify gaps in their business data story.​

Lesson Details:

4 videos

22 minutes

Lesson Description:
Integrations solve and simplify your need for new software as your business grows and evolves, and your needs change. You can power your business to achieve a wider range of tasks on your software as you enhance its functionality by leveraging integrations. In this lesson, learn when and how use integrations, the benefits of connecting your apps, and how this solves for your data needs down the line.