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All the data you need. All in one place.

More data isn’t always better data. You need fresh, relevant insights to drive decisions — especially now. The Resonate Ignite Platform has all the data you need, all in one place, including a real-time understanding of the U.S. consumer at the individual level, powered by cutting-edge AI. We take your own data, enrich it with our real-time insights and accelerate it into action. Learn how better data leads to better results today.

The Resonate Ignite Platform: Data powered in. Results powered out.

Effortlessly bring any data into the platform, including CRM, website or mobile app data, and replace traditional research with custom studies that seamlessly integrate over 13,000 data points.

Your insights will yield a more robust, unified understanding of customers and prospects and inform decisions from segmentation strategy to product development, branding, messaging and creative and omnichannel engagement. Then, drive results by connecting them directly to your ecosystem.