Scaling Content Marketing

Scaling Content Marketing

Scaling Content Marketing


from $1
  • Free Trial


Become great at scaling content marketing

Learn how to increase website traffic exponentially

After taking this course you’ll…
Learn how to build an effective SEO-driven content strategy for your company, no matter the size and budget.
Build a Keyword-Opposition to Benefit (KOB) Analysis you can leverage to rank for high value topics, fast.
Understand what makes content marketable and learn how to port that over to your business.
Develop an end-to-end outreach strategy to help get your content seen and ranking in the search engines.
Apply Content Layering to take your introductory knowledge and get the most valuable pages you build, ranking quicker.
Learn the method that will increase your traffic exponentially

Learn the content marketing method used by Intuit, TripAdvisor, AirBnB and more. After this course you’ll understand why email outreach is important, how to use content layering to grow sales dramatically, why design is such a critical component in an SEO-driven content strategy and how to use the Keyword Opposition to Benefit Analysis.

This course is essential for you if …
You are the sole content creator at a company who is responsible for gaining traffic to a blog or similar content library.
You are a marketer looking to learn more about SEO to add to your skill set.
You are a beginner SEO who understands the technical side but is looking for guidance on content and creative.
This course is NOT for you if…
You don’t have the resources to execute well designed and written content.
You don’t have resources to commit to pitching your content once live.
You consider yourself “advanced” in SEO and already understand the importance of link building and content creation.