Geo Landing Pages Course

Geo Landing Pages Course

Geo Landing Pages Course


from $89
  • Monthly


Geo Landing Pages Course

Geo Landing Pages
If you’ve ever built local optimized landing pages, you know how hit and miss they are to rank and how long it can take to build them at scale. Floyd has developed an advanced system to build geo local pages at scale using his proprietary software. This course shows you how to produce high quality, consistent, and technically strong local landing pages that rank across local neighbourhoods and cities. Floyd also trains you in using his Geo Landing Pages software to scale these out across 10’s or even 1000’s of pages quickly.

Unlimited platform access for $89 / month.


Some Course Modules
Geo Landing Pages
Technical SEO
Seed Page Creation Training
Seed Page Creation Training
Agency White Label Collateral

Floyd is an SEO Web Developer who’s been building WordPress web pages that dominate local search results for almost two decades now.


Years ago he came across a local SEO strategy that worked suspiciously well. The results were so good he thought it was likely a crazy backlink or some powerful combination of citations that were driving the results. He was scratching my head thinking surely this was an anomaly. He showed it to his personal injury client who at the time had been doing SEO for 15 years and he said “BAHH, Google will tank those pages sooner than later.” It’s been almost 7 years and… well, the pages have sustained their rankings and they have done so across multiple industries.


The method he discovered led him to develop an agency operations and local SEO toolkit Geo Landing Pages.